Lirik terjemahan lagu Off the Grid ft. Khalid beserta artinya
[Verse 1: Alina Baraz]
You say you lovin’ the way I
Kau bilang kau menyukai caraku
Show you the stars in the daylight
Tunjukan padamu bintang di siang hari
You do the same for me everyday (Everyday)
Kau lakukan hal yang sama padaku setiap hari
You say you lovin’ the way we
Kau bilang kau menyukai cara kita
Don’t gotta say what we thinkin’
Jangan bilang apa yang kita pikirkan
Never no pressure to fill up the space
Jangan pernaha da tekanan tuk mengisi ruang
[Chorus: Alina Baraz]
Say the word and you know I’ll follow
Ucapkan kata dan kau tahu aku kan ikuti
Off the grid in the El Dorado
Hidup sendiri di El Dorado
Could be nice in the summertime
Akan lebih baik di musik panas
We could sit inside, in the silence
Kita bisa duduk didalam keheningan
Say the word and you know I’ll follow
Off the grid, I could take you far
Could be nice in the summer time
We could sit inside, in the silence
[Interlude: Alina Baraz & Khalid]
The silence
Oh, yeah
Check it, mm
[Verse 2: Khalid]
We’ve been here everyday, on the same shit
Kita disini setiap hari
Sittin’ in the silence
I wonder where the time went
Aku bertanya kemana waktu pergi
When I see you smilin’
Saat aku melihat kau tersenyum
I can feel your aura and it’s vibrant
Aku bisa merasakan auramu dan itu bersemangant
You don’t gotta ask me where my mind’s been
Kau jangan menanyakanku kemana pikiranku berada
I’ll do anything to see you shinin’ (On anything)
Aku kan lakukan apapun tuk melihat mu bersinar
I mean anything
Maksudku apa saja
[Chorus: Alina Baraz & Khalid]
Say the word and you know I’ll follow
Ucapkan kata dan kau tahu aku kan ikuti
Off the grid in the El Dorado
Hidup sendiri di El Dorado
Could be nice in the summertime
Akan lebih baik di musik panas
We could sit inside, in the silence
Kita bisa duduk didalam keheningan
Say the word and you know I’ll follow
Off the grid, I could take you far
Could be nice in the summer time
We could sit inside, in the silence
The silence, the silence, mm
[Chorus: Alina Baraz]
Say the word and you know I’ll follow
Off the grid, I will take you far
Say the word and you know I’ll follow
Ucapkan kata dan kau tahu aku kan ikuti
Off the grid in the El Dorado
Hidup sendiri di El Dorado
Could be nice in the summertime
Akan lebih baik di musik panas
We could sit inside, in the silence
Kita bisa duduk didalam keheningan
The silence, the silence, mm
[Chorus: Alina Baraz & Khalid]
Say the word and you know I’ll follow
Off the grid in the El Dorado
Could be nice in the summertime
We could sit inside, in the silence
Say the word and you know I’ll follow
Ucapkan kata dan kau tahu aku kan ikuti
Off the grid in the El Dorado
Hidup sendiri di El Dorado
Could be nice in the summertime
Akan lebih baik di musik panas
We could sit inside, in the silence
Kita bisa duduk didalam keheningan
The silence, silence, mm
Sumber lirik: Genius
Bantuan translate: Google
Penulis lagu: W. Darling, Spencer Stewart, Dante Jones, Khalid & Alina Baraz
Lirik Off the Grid © Mom+Pop