Lirik Lagu Taylor Swift – august Arti & Terjemahan

Lirik terjemahnya august dari Taylor Swift beserta arti lagu

[Verse 1]
Salt air, and the rust on your door
Udara asin, dan karat pada pintu mu
I never needed anything more
Aku tidak pernah butuh apapun lagi
Whispers of “Are you sure?”
Bisikan “apa kau yakin?”
“Never have I ever before”
“Aku belum pernah sebelumnya”

But I can see us lost in the memory
Tapi aku bisa melihat kita hilang dalam kenangan
August slipped away into a moment in time
Agustus menyelinap pergi kesuatu momen
‘Cause it was never mine
Karena itu tak pernah jadi milikku
And I can see us twisted in bedsheets
Dan aku bisa melihat kita tidur
August sipped away like a bottle of wine
Agustus menyelinap seperti botol wine
‘Cause you were never mine
Karena itu tak pernah jadi milikku

[Verse 2]
Your back beneath the sun
Punggung mu dibawah matahari
Wishin’ I could write my name on it
Berharap aku bisa menulis namaku di punggungnya
Will you call when you’re back at school?
Akankah kau memanggilku Saat kau kembali ke sekolah?
I remember thinkin’ I had you
Aku ingat, aku memilikimu

But I can see us lost in the memory
Tapi aku bisa melihat kita hilang dalam kenangan
August slipped away into a moment in time
Agustus menyelinap pergi kesuatu momen
‘Cause it was never mine
Karena itu tak pernah jadi milikku
And I can see us twisted in bedsheets
Dan aku bisa melihat kita tidur
August sipped away like a bottle of wine
Agustus menyelinap seperti botol wine
‘Cause you were never mine
Karena itu tak pernah jadi milikku

Back when we were still changin’ for the better
Kembali kemana kita masih merubah tuk lebih baik
Wanting was enough
Keinginan sudah cukup
For me, it was enough
Untuk ku, ini sudah cukup
To live for the hope of it all
Tuk hidup demi harapan itu semua
Canceled plans just in case you’d call
Membatalkan rencana untuk bergaja-jaga kalau kau menelpon
And say, “Meet me behind the mall”
Dan bilang, “temui aku di belakang mall”
So much for summer love and saying “us”
Begitu banyak cinta untuk musim panas dan bilang “kita
‘Cause you weren’t mine to lose
Karena kau bukanlah milikku tuk kehilangan
You weren’t mine to lose, no

But I can see us lost in the memory
Tapi aku bisa melihat kita hilang dalam kenangan
August slipped away into a moment in time
Agustus menyelinap pergi kesuatu momen
‘Cause it was never mine
Karena itu tak pernah jadi milikku
And I can see us twisted in bedsheets
Dan aku bisa melihat kita tidur
August sipped away like a bottle of wine
Agustus menyelinap seperti botol wine
‘Cause you were never mine
Karena itu tak pernah jadi milikku

‘Cause you were never mine
Karena kau tak pernah jadi milikku
Never mine
Tak pernah jadi milikku
But do you remember?
Tapi apa kau ingat?
Remember when I pulled up and said “Get in the car”
Ingat saat aku berhenti dan berkata “masuklah ke mobil”
And then canceled my plans just in case you’d call?
Dan kemudian membatalkan rencana ku hanya untuk berjaga-jaga kalau kau menelpon?
Back when I was livin’ for the hope of it all, for the hope of it all
Kembali kemana aku hidup untuk harapan
“Meet me behind the mall”
“Temui aku dibekalang mall”
(Remember when I pulled up and said “Get in the car”)
(And then canceled my plans just in case you’d call?)
(Back when I was livin’ for the hope of it all, for the hope of it all)
(“Meet me behind the mall”)
Remember when I pulled up and said “Get in the car”
And then canceled my plans just in case you’d call?
Back when I was livin’ for the hope of it all (For the hope of it all)
For the hope of it all, for the hope of it all
(For the hope of it all, for the hope of it all)

Sumber lirik: Youtube

Penulis lagu: Jack Antonoff & Taylor Swift
Lirik august © 2020 Taylor Swift

Dirilis24 Juli 2020
GenreCOnutry, Pop
ProduserJack Antonoff
Albumfolklore (2020)

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